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World Clown Association
Not Quite Clowning Around

Good morning and Welcome to Not Quite Clowning Around.

It’s been an amazing start to my term as President of the best Clown Organisation. Many of you know we had a small hiccup as the hotel in Atlanta cancelled our convention reservation. This lead to a small heachache, but after much searching, a ton of ground work and effort from Deanna Hartmier as the Future Convention Chair and our Vice President Robin Bryan, we are please to announce the 2020 Convention will be held between March 22nd  – 26 at the Lexington Riverside Hotel, Jacksonville Florida.


Also, over the past few weeks I’ve been concentrating on membership numbers and our finances. It is true membership numbers have been on the decline, but March has shown an increase in numbers month on month, year on year. We need to continue this growth and we can only do this with our members support and efforts. If every member of the WCA joined up someone else who is 1/2 their age, our organization would double in size. So, yes – look around at your friends, families and workmates and get them a WCA membership for their birthday or why not just treat them because you love them. There are many reasons to join WCA. I asked a few of the WCA Regional Directors their opinions. Here is a list of a few reasons to join WCA and attend a convention….

1. To be a member of a great club with likeminded people.

2. A sense of belonging and home, my family and friends.

3. To be able to improve ones abilities knowledge and skill level. Education

4. To go to conventions. Not to put other clubs down, but we have a higher quality of Clowning.

5. Access to vendors

6. To meet new friends and to connect with Local to National and internationals.

7. Ministry aspect WCA has is amazing and joyful.

8. The public know I’m involved in WCA

9. Insurance

10. Set of ethics and guidelines for my clowning

12. To promote clowning. The most logical way is join a global organization.

13. To keep in touch with fellow Clowns.

14, To see and hear what other clowns are doing.

15. It’s just a great Clown Community

16. Networking with like-minded people from literally all over the world.

17. To get support, encouragement, and constructive criticism.

18. Sharing ideas, hints, techniques and learning new things. 19. At conferences and alley meetings, getting the opportunity to try new things (skits, gags, make-up techniques, balloons, etc, etc) in a safe, supportive environment.

20. Finding a mentor, teachers or Sensei

Developing long lasting friendships, which creates that family bond.

21. Clowning has opened up so many wonderful opportunities for me.

22. Clowning has given me “permission” to play,  have fun and spread joy.

23. You can “rub elbows” with many master entertainers whom we highly respect.

24. All of the great resources that are on the website!



27. Bragging rights

28. A sense of belonging

29. To add your support to an organization that wants to further the art of clowning and provide a          positive image of clowning on a scale that you could not achieve as an individual

30. Access to scholarships and funding

And then (and I like this one):

“The unknown.” – You don’t know what you are missing until you find it.

I forgot 31. To support and continue to support a love of clowns. (And that’s probably the most important… you never know when you’ll a friend with a red nose)

Remember the link :You can renew online at for ask little as $20 for an eMembership at https://www.worldclown.com/membership/join-us.html

Thank you all for everything you do for clowns, clowning and the WCA. Keep smiling and having fun

Andrew Davis

WCA President 2019-2021

Have you heard the fabulous news that WCA is coming to Jacksonville, FL March 22-26 2020
Please if you have not already joined the WCA members forum on Facebook do so. I will be touring the city and posting videos of the fun, exciting, adventures my city has to offer. I’m bursting with excitement and will work like crazy to make 2020 one you remember. 

Petition to the United States Congress
and the President of the United States,

To Nominate, Emmett Leo Kelly, Sr. (December 9, 1898 – March 20, 1979), to receive posthumously,  the Congressional Gold Medal & Presidential Medal of Freedom.

For More Information go to:

Don’t hide the clown…

It’s time to bring out your clown. I’ve been speaking to many of the old members of the Motley Alley and one of the first answers I’ve heard is, ‘I don’t clown anymore.’ This surprised me as when I started clowning and involved with the WCA family, I discovered where my clown lays. He’s not with the makeup, the shoes and the red nose, my clown is inside me – and always will be. It doesn’t matter where I am or what I’m doing, I will always be a clown. Clowning comes from the heart
As clowns we open our hearts to others and give more than others. This is what clowning was, is and will be. We enjoy the performances, the fun, the skits, the jokes, the smell of the greasepaint and our Motley guises. This is our clown

Has anyone else got memories to share?

The WCA always loves to hear your stories. Memories of the past, the fun, the entertainment, the shows, the parades, the joys everyone has. The future of clowning is Education and Networking. Clowns can only do this with your help, so please, please don’t think that because you’ve retired from clowning it’s all over. It’s not, it’s only just begun for some. It’s only just begun for me and I’ve been clowning since 1998.. I’ve got lots to listen to, people to learn from and stories I want you to share with all the new clowns. Your stories. If you can make the time to write to us or call me for a chat, nothing would brighten our days more, knowing that We will be then able to tell others. me@andytheclown.co.uk or join the WCA Members Forum on Facebook.

While the Memberships run for a full year from when you renew. Most of you renew your membership in May. So don’t forget to renew. If you are not sure when your membership is due to renew you can go online at worldclown.com. When you login it will show your profile with when your membership expires.

If you are unable to login email the business office at manager@worldclown.com

The WCA is proud to announce that now are offering an additional option coverage for the Liability Coverage.
We are now offering an optional Abuse / Molestation coverage. The program will offer 2 different limits:
1) $100,000 per occurrence / $500,000 per event for an additional $130
2) $1,000,000 per occurrence and per event for and additional $260

This is in addition to renewal costs. This coverage may NOT be added on later as it has to be enacted when your begin or renew your insurance..
You can go to https://www.nsopw.gov/ and provide a print out from there.
For more information you can email the business office. manager@worldclown.net



Clown Week was born in the early 1950’s when Watt “Wabo” Savage of the Trenton Clown Club in New Jersey decided there should be a special week set aside just for clowns. Clown Week did not really get organized until 1966, when Frank “Kelly-the-Clown” Kelly was appointed Clown Week chairman by Ray Bickford, President of Clown Club of America.Kelly was from Fort Wayne, IN, and took his chairmanship seriously. Under his guidance, the year of 1966 saw some 15 gubernatorial proclamations and 8 mayoral proclamations for Clown Week.

1968 was the first year Clowns of America officially sponsored National Clown Week.It was also the year that the first steps were taken toward receiving a presidential proclamation. Rep. Edward M Garmatz introduced House Joint Resolution 1362. It was the first step on a long journey, as HJR 1362 had to pass through House and Senate subcommittees, then back to the House and Senate as a bill and, once passed, presented to the President for his signature or veto.

In 1969, Rep. Garmatz introduced a new resolution HJR 236. Soon after, another resolution HJR 53, was introduced by Indiana Rep. John Myers. Even though the bills did not pass, National Clown Week celebrations were at an all-time high across the country in 1969. National press coverage was obtained. The big story was of four
clowns picketing the California State Capital because the governor refused to sign their proclamation.

Sweet success came October 8, 1970, when Public Law 91-443 was passed by both Houses of the 91st Congress and sent to President Richard M. Nixon for his signature.National Clown Week is now celebrated each year from August 1-7 and there are some
good reasons to celebrate in your local clown alley:

  • Everyone in the alley can participate.
  • It informs the public about clowning
  • It provides opportunities to perform and gain experience
  • It provides positive examples for press and local media coverage
  • It provides visibility to clowns and their local alleys
  • It entertains the local community
  • It promotes alley cooperation and unity
  • It provides community service.

Display those bumper stickers that say “Celebrate National Clown Week”
Take a clown to lunch”.
Wear your National Clown Week buttons.
Wear your clown shoes to work
Don a red foam nose as you go out for lunch with your favorite client.
Celebrate with us this year and let the world see how much fun it is to be a clown!

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