*All applicants must be WCA members who have maintained membership in good standing for
the last two (2) years or more.
*Online application includes: name, WCA membership number, clown name, number of years
clowning, email, mobile phone, address, city, state, country, and zip code. Members may apply
for one WCA scholarship (Blab-I-Gail or Bo Dino) in the same year on the WCA website at
*Members of the Bo Dino Scholarship Committee and their immediate families are not eligible to
apply for a scholarship in the year that they serve on the committee.
*Recipients must use the scholarship to attend a WCA approved venue.
WCA approved educational venues, (subject to change)
American Clown Academy 2.0
Arizona Fire and Burn Educators Assn
Celebration Barn Theater
Clown Camp La Crosse
Clown Camp Kiso Japan
LWS Clown Group Hong Kong
Moosecamp Clown Arts
New York Goofs
Next Step Workshop
*Programs qualifying for the scholarship may be added during the year. If the applicant wishes a
certain program to be added to the approved list, it is up to them to furnish the Bo Dino Chair
with all information on their chosen program by January 1 of the year they are applying for the
scholarship. Scholarship awards will only be made for a comprehensive clown instructional
program which runs for a minimum of four (4) days and contains at least forty (40) instructional
hours including performances and evaluations by staff. Excluded are conventions single clown
classes and conferences which do not fit the above criteria.
*Scholarships will be awarded annually. Recipients must use the award in the same calendar
year that it is received. Scholarships will be in the amount of the lesser of USD 500 or the total
of the program chosen by the recipient and will be made payable directly to the instructional
program chosen by the scholarship recipient when the recipient arrives at the program.
*Scholarship winners MUST agree to write an article for the WCA publication CLOWNING
AROUND regarding their experiences at their chosen educational venue within six (6) months of
attending the venue.
Applications will be dated as received online. The date will be noted as received online. The
WCA Scholarship Chairperson will forward the applications to the Scholarship Committee
members for their assessments. The WCA Scholarship Chair will forward the applications to the
Scholarship Committee members for their assessments. Winners will be notified by December