and be part of the convention for the whole week.
As your President and one who attends conventions, I have always found it beneficial to stay at the convention hotel, as I don’t want to miss anything, and lots always happens in and around the hotel outside of the timetable. And also, I know it helps the WCA keep down the costs of convention registrations.
The more we all use the hotel, the better hotel rates they offer us.
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“Laughter is the Best Medicine!”
March 22nd – 26th 2020
Lexington Riverside Hotel 1515 Prudential Dr Jacksonville, FL 32207
Room Rate per night $119 (Plus taxes)
All room reservations must be made via Tel. 904-396-5100 (Ask for the World Clown rate)
As well as performing shows during the convention, Andy and Toty will be leading three very different classes and important clown classes. The first… ” Funnybone Gestures” is a workshop on body expressions and movement. It’s not just about those big expressive moments, but those important those smaller and quirky agitations too. Their second class “Spontaneous Ad-Libs” will get everyone thinking on their feet. It’s going to be fun acting out a skit without preparation. The last class “Memes not Mimes” is more geared towards social media class. Everything about Tik Tok to memes, videos and how to reach out to today’s youth, our future audience.
Also on this years education staff we have
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Saturday 21st March 2020
Pre-Convention Workshop
FACEPAINTING with Whitney Meyers
Intensive 8hrs Fast Attainable Designs with WOW Factors!
If you are registered for the convention you get $40 off
Did you know that for the past 2+ years the WCA has offered a Youth Circus Arts Scholarship. This scholarship is available to youth ages 16 – 25 who have shown a direct interest in theater arts and or clowning. If approved, this scholarship awards up to $500 per student toward attendance at the WCA Convention. (comped registration and up to $300 in expenses ie: travel, housing, food, etc.). So they would still have a lot of personal expense to invest in attending our program. Reaching this group of students has been difficult for us and we have only had one attendee thus far….until now.
WCA has recognized this is a core group of individuals we really need to encourage to keep the art of clowning going strong in the years to come.
We are currently holding 4 applications from college students who are interested in attending the 2020 convention in Jacksonville, FL. These students come from New York, Ohio, Guatemala and Michigan!
While this is EXCITING I am reaching out to you because our “scholarship fund” currently cannot accommodate this many. I am hoping that some of you reading this may be in a place that you would consider giving a designated donation to the Scholarship fund. We need to have funds in place by October 31st as scholarships are awarded on November 1.If you can donate, please mail a check to:
Please note that it is for the Youth Circus Arts Scholarship
THANK YOU in advance for your consideration!
All Alleys must submit their Alley paperwork by November 1st to remain active. It only takes 5 active WCA members to be an alley.
Renewals can be done online at
Remember to check your membership and dont miss out on when your membership is up for renewal. If you dont know email the business office at
Renewals can be done online at
WEBSITE HOSTING WITH THE WCA Have a website that you are paying to much to host?
Want a website but cannot afford it?
Well we got news for you. Starting soon the World Clown Association will be offering to its members to host websites for its members.
Cost will be $30 per year.
We are currently working on the terms and conditions.
You will have to purchase your domain name through an online provider such as
Watch for more to come!!
All Scholarships submissions are due by November 1stThe WCA offers 3 great educational scholarships