Alone-Together: 2 Clowns in Quarantine

Isolation, Imagination, Inspiration

What could go wrong? We both have thumbs and Kolinda needs to pee.
By Kolinda Zander-Hussey and Amanda O’Leary

No one could have seen what was going to happen. The world in an unprecedented lock down. Not since a century earlier, in 1918, had the world felt the grips of an unseen equal opportunity disease ravage families and countries.
I received a message from Kolinda saying “do you know anyone with a basement suite where I can quarantine for 14 days” and immediately had 3 thoughts come into my mind. “Well, I do, but it’d be a lot of work to get it ready” “Do I want even to open my door to the possibility of the disease coming in my house?” “Why do you need one?” Then when I find out the back story and there is no other choice but to say “I will help”

The day Kolinda showed up I was still putting the space together. As luck would have it, I had gotten a job to present online using magic on the topic of Leadership as it related to a sale team just prior to saying yes to Kolinda. The presentation was on the same day she arrived.

I gave myself PERMISSION to not have it perfect when she showed up. I did have a backup plan knowing she’d be tired, and it was a beautiful day, I set her up outside. Lounge chair or regular chair and those cushions were hers until she left. And thus, began our “Alone-Together” time officially in isolation, in imagination and in some darn good inspiration to get us through the 2 weeks that lay ahead of us.
Now remember, we know each other from attending WCA conventions together and a few nights here when they were visiting with the circus just for a change of scenery but a long deep friendship, we didn’t have. We knew we liked each other, and she was “good people”. (Okay, yes EZ, you’re good people too)
And 2 weeks with someone who controls the laundry facility and the freezer has most of the power in the house. I had the BBQ and back deck though! Balance of power achieved. Kolinda’s idea of making it easy on me by coming prepared with enough food for Thursday and Friday was thwarted when her luggage (the size of a tractor trailer) was LOST by the airlines! Finally making an appearance late Saturday afternoon after 2 or 3 delays. Her stomach was growling so loud on Thursday afternoon I thought I must feed her something. And so, started our time of how we make this work. She didn’t like the slingshot food delivery system, so we had to get creative and be Alone-Together.
We had a collaborative approach to keeping each other safe and healthy as we shared meals and social time. (She can’t grocery shop so that fell to my shoulders… twice… apparently she doesn’t like gruel) Remember she wasn’t there to see me and in her heart of hearts wanted to be elsewhere but until the time had passed, she was stuck with me. That’s tough to be held up when your heart wants to be somewhere else. However, Kolinda fast learned what this face meant. “Back off!” Or “I haven’t had my tea yet!”

It had all the ingredients for a dismal time: separation from loved ones and support systems, worry, tiredness, fear of transmission and others I’m sure. Instead, we figured out how to make it fun and comfortable. We had good food, lots of laughter, some tears, exercise to keep mind and soul together, art class and full permission to be ourselves and have fun. Support without judgement and ride the tide. We dug deep and the deeper we dug, the more fun
we had and the deeper our friendship grew.

The back deck was our safe zone. Food was shared between us. Kolinda at one end of the table and I at the other. Her plate put down and I would place her portion of the nightly feast on it. She came up the outside stairs with plate, cutlery and all she needed for her. A serving spoon for her and one for me if we were sharing a common salad. Yes, it was uncomfortable not to be able to openly share utensils or even pick up her dishes, but the name of the game was to keep healthy and sane besides she had some sharp knives at her disposal! Inside, our eating arrangements were either alone or it was her at the bottom of the stairs and I at the other end with tea for a morning chat or our last supper together had to be inside thanks to rain. Kolinda and I have differing opinions about the sleeping arrangements. She complained it was too hard. I reminded her, her gardening back would be better after 14 days on a cold hard surface and she had a pillow! (She didn’t check blankets in her room needs) I politely reminded her of the last person who complained, and she suddenly saw the wisdom in my words.

If you know Kolinda, or seen her in action at a convention, she’s a doer. She vacuumed so much downstairs (and rightly so, I had not got to cleaning just clearing space and setting up a makeshift kitchen) I got a call from the BC hydro company asking if I was setting up a grow op! Okay not really, but it’s a better story the way I tell it. The weather turned nice and Kolinda came and helped me calm my garden. Regain order and just help make decisions about what to keep and the most important of all the “Oh this looks good” seal of approval

I’d go for walks with my sister several thousand miles away and I’d tell her what we had done, and she say, “I think you’re getting the better part of the deal!” And I say “YES! I know I am!” I was trying to figure out how she had to come back for another 2 weeks on the return part of her trip back home. The secret to our success. Gratitude on both parts. Kolinda was grateful and I was grateful for her help and company. It was so nice to have another person in my space. We were smart together, keeping each other healthy, reminding each other “I washed my hands before I touched that” Wiping down groceries to go to her fridge. Lots of good healthy food- salads, steak, roasted veggies, jumbolia! Walks into the forests around my house. Beautiful lush trees, mountain streams and virtually no one on the trails. Absorbing nature’s beauty can ease your pain and make you forget. We took up speed walking. We howled with laughter. And we were brilliant at postponing writing an article together until the morning she left.

We had been taking pictures but not as clowns and just as luck would have it my mask arrived from a friend just before Kolinda was to leave. She had brought me one she had made so we could be safe. But I wanted to take a picture to show this lady who out of the blue sent me a mask to keep me safe. And with that our
clowns got out… big time! No idea was poo pooed. It was welcomed and escalated! I had sponge noses in my car’s glovebox, untouched, they were perfect for our masks. So now, this is what happens when 2 clowns are quarantined together – alone with isolation, imagination and inspiration and the freedom to play. We had to figure out how to communicate with each other long distance. Thanks to EZ we had the technology!
“Ring Ring…”

Next was good health care. Nothing like a manicure to make you feel good. Kolinda even got her favorite color to paint her nails. I never complained, even though we never got around to trimming my antlers.
(on the other hand, Christmas season may be very lucrative this year!) And who doesn’t have time for toilet paper piñata? Don’t believe Kolinda that I made her work hard while I slacked off! There’s no proof of that! Hey! What a minute, how did that get in there?

We practiced our social distancing photo poses. Apparently Kolinda is wondering why she’s always in the background and smaller than Amanda. “Stage Coach!”
And we even managed a “how not to pose” just to prove we were listening Marilyn. But finally, 2 pros. Okay, one more pro than the other.

2 artistic creative minds melding as one! It’s not easy being director, writer, producer, director of photography and camera person, look at a that steam and consternation on those faces!
Our next project will have a mega budget and be able to afford 2 selfie sticks. And yes, there’s still lots of distance between us. Angle cheat!

I thought we could practice some magic. Man, can Kolinda run!

Finally, departure day arrived. We couldn’t believe the 2 weeks had gone that fast. But enough was enough, really.

Okay maybe someone was a bit happier to separate than the other. Can you guess who?

It wasn’t Me that’s all I can say. My house is very quiet. And I had to go down to lock the back door only to be greeted by this.

My own Kozy rock painting wearing a mask! A beautiful thank you card with a heartfelt message and a jar of candies.
The emotion I’m left with is gratefulness, great memories of laughter and fun, and a new friend. I expected nothing and received so much in return. Like clowning, it is often the clown who receives so much more than they give.
‘Till next time, Kolinda. No pandemic required.