The Big Wheel is a Big Deal

Create an Invisible Car, Taxi, Train or Limo


The Big Wheel is a big deal. Create an invisible car, taxi, train or limo with Leslie Ann Akin’s book excerpt from A Fool’s Guide to Clowning.

The Big Wheel is proven to be one of my most useful and powerful walk-arounds. It’s simple to create, and the comedic potential is enormous.



You will need:

  • A child-sized hula hoop (large hula hoops make for tired arms)
  • Colored plastic tape
  • A bicycle horn
  • An optional side mirror


Wrap the tape around the wheel. Next, stretch a piece of tape across the center of the hoop to simulate the center of a real steering wheel. Stretch another piece of tape along the back of the first piece so you won’t have any sticky places. Add the cross piece of tape and be sure to back that one too. If you prefer, you can make a “Y” instead of a cross in the hoop. Wrap the bike horn into the center with plastic tape. Attach the side mirror to see where you have been.


I’m sure you will discover many uses for this prop. Let me share with you some of my favorites. When rounding up children to play games or to see your show, just ask them to climb onto your bus, and before you know it, you’ll have the children following you Pied Piper style. You can encourage the children to mime the actions of getting into and riding the bus. There’s a lot of room for play. A circus clown used the Big Wheel in his unicycle act at a school show, and it helped make his act even funnier.


The Big Wheel is a great entrance prop, for a group of clowns doing a show together, or for solo shows you perform at people’s homes or anywhere.


Whenever I entertain where parking is a problem, I enter and say, “I had to bring the car inside, there aren’t any parking spaces out there! Did you know I get 80 smiles to the gallon?”


The Big Wheel is a knockout for car promotions. Comments from sales people are priceless. The straighter I play it, the funnier it gets. They’re laughing and I can’t understand why. When salespeople inquire, “Where’s the engine?” I respond, “This is it, (pointing to my brain) it’s all under the hood.” My trendy new car doesn’t need gas or electric to run—and I have the manual!”


Big Wheel funny-business you can use:

  • Your Uber driver is here.
  • Climb in the back seat, strap on your seat belt.
  • Roll the windows up. The air conditioner is on.
  • I worked to buy this car, so I could go to work. It cost a whole $3.95.
  • I love having a car no one wants to steal.
  • I chose the road less traveled. Now look where I am.
  • I decided to go green in a big way.
  • I need some help pushing this car to the gas station. I have a flat tire.
  • My car is solar powered.
  • I pick up hitchhikers. I tell frogs to hop in.
  • I never get parking tickets, because I removed the windshield wipers.
  • It’s a compact. There’s not much under the hood. (wink)
  • Why does a chicken coop have 2 doors? Because with 4 doors it would be a chicken sedan.
  • How do fleas travel from place to place? By itch-hiking.
  • Knock, knock! Who’s there? Colin. Colin who? Colin all cars! Colin all cars!
  • Knock, knock! Who’s there? Wanda. Wanda who? Wanda where I put my car keys!

The Big Wheel keeps on turning!